Monday, March 19, 2012

New Consoles Old Techonolgy!

I was browsing around on the internets today, and I saw some very upsetting news. The next set of consoles to come out will only support Unreal Engine 3! Why would they even bother? Why not wait till they release Unreal Engine 4 in a couple months?

Doing this would open up the market for much better looking and cross platform games! Not that I have any problem with #3, but it is just kind of a waste. Now we get to wait another 6 years till Unreal 4 is seen in our console games.

If you haven't heard, Unreal 4 is also capable of developing flash games, so in the near future, you might see console quality games on Facebook!

But on the bright side, PC gamers still rock, because they can use and play Unreal 4 games all day long! So look forward to it, go out and buy a gaming computer if you don't already have one. This shit is going to be awesome!

Here is last years tech demo for Unreal 3. Just as a comparison, Epic Games says that Unreal 4 makes this video look like shit. If you can, watch it in 720p, low quality does not do it justice.

“There’s no end in sight for what we can do with unlimited technology. So we’re always going to be pushing and I’m sure we’ll be pushing for more than is possible to give. But yes, we feel that’s kind of our duty. That’s what Epic is here for.”

The original release of that video was said to take three rigs to play, the power of 10 Xbox 360's. Now they are able to play it using one new quad core GPU. Plus Cpu Ram etc, but the speed technology is going, virtual reality is right around the corner. 

Bye nerds!!!


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