Saturday, March 10, 2012

Kadajett I am, and Play Free Nerdcore Rap I Will

Hello everyone! I have an interesting story to tell you! I am currently visiting my best friends parents with him, and we all really like board games. So they brought out this silly one called Quelf. Quelf is a game where you have to move around this circle and draw cards based on the color you land on. If you land on blue, you have to take a rule card. I did this on a few occasions, but one in particular made the game very hard. For the entire game I had to speak in third person. (Kadajett had to speak in third person..) Every time I said 'I', I would move back two spaces. And its not that I am an idiot and I cant talk in third person, but the game is really long and when people are saying things, you forget. Needless to say, I was in last place! Dammit!!! But I am confident in my current sober state I could own everybody!

 As a consequence of this game, I keep on getting the urge to write in third person. I have a feeling that you guys would hate that, so I am going to take a brief intermission. While I am practicing tongue twisters, I am gonna put this here.. Okay? Don't break it. Kadajett is serious.

Ok, that wasn't so hard. No more urge to talk in third person, but that was a really good song! Kind of had a fancy beat to it, it pulled my nerdy heartstrings. Would thou like to hear more? Keep listening, or Borthaniel will eat your soul.

We have a nerdy love song that Borthaniel approves of. But, I think I might cry after listening to it, and you guys don't want to see that. So I will let you go about your business hopefully continuing to browse of Life of Ramen.



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