Thursday, March 29, 2012

Elysian Shadows Chapter 18!!!

Hey everyone, long time no post. I have been catching up with my family back here in Indiana. I am on vacation, but I miss Florida. Cold is no bueno...

So, I have been dick teasign you guys for the past month about how awesome Elysian Shadows' new chapter of their devlog is going to be sick, but now I get to prove my point!

Elysian Shadows Vlog Chapter 18 is released Saturday! 

Tis a momentous occasion to be celebrated with spirit and song! A day that will be cross the tongues of dragons for the rest of time!

So go check it out, at their Facebook page, or their Youtube. I know they would appreciate it, and so would your friends and family. So spread the word!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Your Brain on Video Games! From Discovery Channel

I picked this pic up from the discovery channel while I was browsing around last night. Check it out, I know most of it matched up. That's good and bad by the way.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Fallout and Delicious Mead

Hey everyone, as you know my friends and I went to the ren fair yesterday. We have returned victorious, with nothing but minor scratches and a slight hangover.

Boobies and Mead

But, funny story... My friend and I were going to pick up some mead from the tavern area, and he offered to go in for me so I could smoke a cigarette. So there I wait outside, puffing happily on my cigarette. Then to my great dismay, I was approached by a middle aged woman dressed like a bar wench and her husband I assume, dressed like Robin hood. I didn't think much of it, till I heard the words "Oh, you are cute!" My face instantly turned red...

The lady walked up to me and asked me, "Have you met these?" Pointing lustfully at her medieval breast, I reply with an awkward "Haven't had the pleasure." Almost to fast for me to react, she starts pulling me in for a 'hug,' or what I assume is a hug. I play along, because everyone likes hugs... Worst mistake of my life, because half way to the hug, she grabs the back of my head. With hardly enough time to catch my breath and close my eyes, my face was plunged into a pile of wrinkly, sweaty breasts. Me being the gentleman I am, I made a little motorboat sound to make her think I wasn't dying to jump in a pool of hand sanitizer.


Aside from the slight feeling of molestation, it totally set up the rest of the day. I became thoroughly drunk afterwards, shared a cigarette and some rum with Jack Sparrow, and got my fill of giant turkey legs. I wouldn't of had it any other way, and I will definitely be going next year. With a much higher amount of pocket money.

But for today, magic with my best friend for his birthday, and getting ready to fly up to Indiana for vacation.

Bye nerds!!!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Renaissance Fair and Leftover Green Beer

Teh Fair

Hey everyone! Tis Saturday, and your's truly is going to ye old renaissance fair. Bar wenches and archery ranges, costumes and the smell of pipe tobacco. I love it! If it weren't for my love of computers, I would have loved living a couple hundred years ago. Legally carrying a sword, and not worrying about making it as a successful computer scientist.

But wishful thinking is a waste of valuable time! I must find something to wear!

Digital Birthday

Oh and it was Mind Tour Studios Artist's birthday this weekend, and we gave him his present early! He is officially a Cintiq owner!

Only problem, we cannot find an adapter for his Macbook pro, so I have been letting him use my Elitebook. Regardless, it is awesome! He loves it, we love what he has been doing with it, and he will be converting all our paper sketches to digital very soon.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Nerdy Nummies Has Some Competition!

This amazing cake was made by Sol Rocha. Looks like Nerdy Nummies has some competition! 

Skyrim for Realz & Nerdy Nummies Pizza!

Oh happy day! The government cheese is a comin' today! I can finally afford to get that new brain I wanted!

I am to cheap for overnight shipping, so while I wait for my black market meat CPU, let's see what your nerd brethren are up to.

A group of guys have made Skyrim into a slightly buggy virtual reality game! All bugginess aside, they did a great job, and my dream of playing '.Hack' style will be coming true very soon.

But these guys were nice, they even made a tutorial to show you how to do it! So watch this video, go check the website and build it yourself. Then be the nerd I know you are and improve it!


Nerdy Nummies!

I don't even know what to say, I love pizza. This video touched me, it reminded me of my childhood! Hours and hours of eating pizza and playing Pokemon! Plus I know you all have a crush on . Oh wait, that's just me lol Enjoy peeps!

This video gave me a perfectly nerdy idea! I want a pizza Pokemon! I would imagine it looking something like this! (Image right)

It's special attack would be 'Extra Cheesy Spinach Pepperoni Bomb" and it has thumbs! So we could play video games together and I could secretly take bites of him.

Not sure what I would feed a giant pizza though. I am sure a nice big glass of shut the fuck up will work just fine! Bye nerds!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How to Date the Community! You Whore!

Good afternoon nerds! I have some exciting news, and decently funny set of videos for you to watch today. So sit down and shut up! ( Feeling feisty today! I apologize in advance for any further abuse! )

Starting this weekend, Life of Ramen is going to have a guest writer! And guess what, it's a girl! She will be here to deliver more of the stuff you want to see, but it's a girl! Ok, enough of that. Time to start talking about this post!

I know you love Youtube as much as I do, so you always love to see new funny channels right? Well I have a few that I watch on a pretty regular basis. 50% because Asian girls are sexy, and the other half, because the shit is funny! So enjoy le first video from The Community Channel!

I am just going to point out the obvious here, she is Asian and she has an English accent! It would be like dating a D&D character! <----- I found that hilarious, so stfu!

The next video is from The Dominic Show! This guy is hilarious, and a little hard to describe. But this is one of my favorite videos by him! Enjoy! And for the love of god, don't follow these tips -_-

If you haven't seen these channels before and you like them, subscribe! If you don't like them, then go cry or something.

Just don't leave. Please.. Ha I kid, you can leave if you wan't! I know where you live anyways! KTHXBAI nerds!

Monday, March 19, 2012

New Consoles Old Techonolgy!

I was browsing around on the internets today, and I saw some very upsetting news. The next set of consoles to come out will only support Unreal Engine 3! Why would they even bother? Why not wait till they release Unreal Engine 4 in a couple months?

Doing this would open up the market for much better looking and cross platform games! Not that I have any problem with #3, but it is just kind of a waste. Now we get to wait another 6 years till Unreal 4 is seen in our console games.

If you haven't heard, Unreal 4 is also capable of developing flash games, so in the near future, you might see console quality games on Facebook!

But on the bright side, PC gamers still rock, because they can use and play Unreal 4 games all day long! So look forward to it, go out and buy a gaming computer if you don't already have one. This shit is going to be awesome!

Here is last years tech demo for Unreal 3. Just as a comparison, Epic Games says that Unreal 4 makes this video look like shit. If you can, watch it in 720p, low quality does not do it justice.

“There’s no end in sight for what we can do with unlimited technology. So we’re always going to be pushing and I’m sure we’ll be pushing for more than is possible to give. But yes, we feel that’s kind of our duty. That’s what Epic is here for.”

The original release of that video was said to take three rigs to play, the power of 10 Xbox 360's. Now they are able to play it using one new quad core GPU. Plus Cpu Ram etc, but the speed technology is going, virtual reality is right around the corner. 

Bye nerds!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy Hangover Day! My Top Five Zombie Apocalypse Tips


Good afternoon everyone, I hate you all. Really, you are making write this post with a pounding headache. That is just not nice, but happy Hangover Day anyways! In celebration, and in part because everyone will be walking around like zombies. I would like to list a few tips that I personally would live by during the zombie apocalypse. These aren't normal tips, like run, or don't get eaten (That's a good one!), these are actually useful. You will thank me later.

1. Find A Weapon

This one is painfully obvious, but until it happens you would never believe how many people lack samurai swords in their houses. What neanderthals, but if you are one of them, look for something long and sharp, or something heavy like an axe.

2. Go to Mc. Donalds!

Obviously, a big mac is the last thing on your mind when undead creatures are trying to eat your brains. This fatty food haven has a couple things that will be important for your early zombie free zone. They have food safe sanitizer by the box full. You basically use this in water, and you can wipe down your area for a semi clean environment. They also have bleach packets for more heavy duty cleaning, but don't use this on a wound! Before you leave, make sure you grab a few things from the med kit, and grab as many non perishable food items as you can. Mostly water I would assume.

3. Powering up

If you plan to have a zombie free zone, you need to have electricity. You can't run off gas forever, so to run your flood lights, and your sirens and electric stoves. You need to be able to generate CLEAN energy! Now obviously, you cannot pull a solar panel out of your ass, but a simpler method, would be to take a ceiling fan or one of those cheap white floor fans, and strip it to its bones. If you didn't already know, an electric engine can also be used to generate electricity if you can turn it.

After you strip it down, throw it on a pole with a swivel on it and you should be able to power a toaster. Obviously the bigger the electric motor, the more electricity it outputs, but its also harder to turn so you need more wind with larger propellers.  So get a shit ton of these hooked up to a battery with a regulator, and you will be good to go! You also will need an AC to DC converter box. Or you will blow all your lights.

4. The finer things

After you get your fences built, you deserve a little break. I do not mean your entire camp, you can take shifts. But it's time to get drunk! And obviously, after a few months of zombies, alcohol would be hard to find. But that doesn't mean you can't make it! Two things you will always have enough of, honey and water! One of the easiest alcohols to make is MEAD. It is a delicious concoction of honey, water, your choice of fruits, and yeast.

How to make a gallon of a light mead: Boil one gallon of water, add 1-2 pounds of honey and let incorporate. after you have stirred it thoroughly, grab your large container that has been sterilized see number 2 and fill it with this honey liquid. Then, you need to cover the top of that bottle, and start your yeast. You start yeast by getting warm water in a small container, like a shot glass or a double shot, and pour the yeast in and stir. Let that sit for a little bit and start to put your fruit in the container with the honey water. Once the honey water has cooled down, you can add the yeast. stir it up a bit and then let it sit. For the small amount of honey, it should only take a month or two to finish, but you will have delicious drank to help you forget about your probable doom.

5. Be a good person

The funny thing about this one, is everybody already knows it. Be kind to as many people as possible. (Don't be a pushover) If you have room for more people in your camp and you see a family walking around, invite them in!

This rule also applies to them! If any or all of them have been bitten and haven't changed yet, don't put yourself around people. If you do, you are a frikkin butthole! Share your last cigarette, share some of that mead, because sharing makes the world a better place for everyone! Except the zombies.

Now it is time to get my possibly still drunk behind off my website! Check this shiz out!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Who Loves Their Mom?

Hey everyone, I decided to post for a second time today. Just for you! But I feel like I owe a special someone a favor.

My mom. We have had our rough patches in the past, but you really seem to be getting better. I am so proud of you, so I will help you out a bit.

My mother's name is Ruby Stover. She is a loan officer based in North West Indiana. So if you are looking to buy a home in the Chicago Area, or need any help with anything home wise go check out her Facebook page! I am sure she would be glad to help!

Here is a link to her website and Facebook page!


Happy St. Patty's Day!

Hey everyone, so very busy today so the post will be short!

I had the honor of meeting the owner of Oh My Posh Tot! Boutique recently, and she was nice enough to make me an awesome outfit to wear today!

So thanks to her, I will be able to drink my green beer like a true Irishman, bearing all green clothes. I kind of look like the Green Lantern middle management edition!

But you should all check out her Facebook page, she normally sells toddler clothes, but she takes custom orders and I am sure if you are nice, she will make whatever you need!

She is currently getting a website built, so don't be discouraged!

But aside from the green colored beer and leprechauns, I would like to go over a recap of this weeks posts for all those people to lazy to look through my archive!

Friday, March 16, 2012

A Journey Into the World of Feeble's Fable

Morning nerds, hopefully you all are in less pain than I am today. I decided to push myself a little harder than normal in my run yesterday, and my muscles are very irate about it. To top it all all, I fell pretty hard on my skateboard last night and now my ass hurts.

But nothing could stop me from writing you guys some new content! Especially when it has me as excited as it does today!

Why am I excited? I shall tell you why after I get some coffee. ... ... Yum :)

Ok, last night I was looking for what I was going to post about this morning so I started looking through other blogs, through some forums, and over a rainbow or two. My last stop as usual is

I was sick of writing about projects that were almost funded, very popular, and didn't really need your help. So I decided to go to the newly created ones, browsed around for a little while and all of a sudden. A diamond in the rough appeared, something that immediately caught my attention.

That project was Feeble's Fable!

The second I saw the artwork, it plucked a couple heartstrings. It reminded me very closely to the feeling I got when I played Okage: Shadow King for the PS2. Very whimsical, cutsie, but also very dramatic with a very deep story line. 

The world of Feeble's Fable is filled with puzzles, and mystery. Everywhere you go, you can find new creatures to interact with. With art done by Justin Hillgrove, every place you go looks like it was just pulled out of a children's story book.

The monsters he created for this game hold emotion, very sad or happy creatures filling up every corner of the world. It kind of sets the mood for whats going on. If you are in a dark place with miserable creatures, you might start to feel some of their anguish. 

That is one thing that is lost in current games, they have great action, great everything. Except they don't know how to make the player feel things. If you can pull a player in emotionally, than he will play the entire game without blinking, I can guarantee it! Can you think of a time where you almost cried while playing a game?

I know I will be very upset if this game doesn't get funded, more so than anything I have reviewed so far. The industry needs this game. We need to be reminded that emotion is a part of stories! So please, I am asking you from the bottom of my nerdy heart. If you have an extra dollar, donate to this Kickstarter project. If you have a few extra, donate it! Tell your friends, tell your pets, tell the world!

I am ugly and I am proud! ;)

Update - March 9, 2012 (Animation!) from Atomic Chimp on Vimeo.

This game deserves the money that you were going to spend on cheese burgers today, so go check out the Kickstarter and spread the word!

Thursday, March 15, 2012 - Game Developers Conference 2012

I was just browsing the interwebs and I passed by a pretty lady by the name of Pixel. Pixel is a member of the Frag Dolls, a group of all girl gamers. But none of that matters, because I am here to show you a video she posted on her blog.

The video is of her at GDC 2012 (I wish I was there!!!) explaining whats going on with nerdy antics. Definitely worth a watch, so go check out her blog!Game Developers Conference 2012

Editing Our Blogger Template & Free Shit!

Sorry for the lack of posts in the past couple days, we have been working tirelessly on our new template. Not really, but we have been super busy. Between working on our new game, going through school, and trying to update Life of Ramen, we are dying to catch our breath. But none of that matters, because progress is more important than sleep. And in the name of progress, I would like to show you our new banner! It's waaaay up there at the top, but it has image mapping so you can click the social buttons on the bottom. That was a fun trick to learn.

On a lighter note, I am bestowing upon you a contest of sorts. Since only a few people commented on the last post asking what would be a good gift for donations to our Kickstarter, I would like to post a challenge. Post in the comments your best idea for a gift to donators, and in one week I will make a poll out of the best answers and you will vote! The person's idea with the most votes will be flown out to Orlando for the release party of Amibile Paladin, where you can meet the developers, eat a ton of cake and barbecue, and pick up your free copy of Amibile Paladin!!!

There is one condition to this contest though, This post has to get at least 500 SEPARATE comments, or it will be postponed. That means every single one of you that sees this must comment. Doesn't matter if your idea is good or bad, just post!

Ok, you have your mission, you have your tools, get thinking nerds!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Day Made of Glass... Made possible by Corning.

Amibile Paladin. Mind Tour Studio's New Indie Game

Hey everyone,  Kadajett here to talk about something very special. I have been holding off, but I cannot anymore!

Mind Tour Studios and officially been created. We are a company that develops independent video games and tabletop games. As of right now, there are about five of us, working as close to full time as possible on our first game.

This game is a 2.5D rpg scroller, being built for XNA, PC, and for all you hardcore mother fuckers out there... DREAMCAST. 

It's code name for now is Amibile Paladin. You all know what a paladin is, but what amibile means will take a little explaining.

Amibile means beautiful, and not in the western supermodel meaning of the word. I use beautiful to represent complexity, complexity of the mind to be precise. Hint hint.

We would like to keep this project fairly secret, so I wont be posting any of the details, but know that the engine is already in development, we already have the design document almost finished and the artwork is being owned by our talented artists.

One thing I can show you, is our original sketches. They are fairly simplistic compared to what we have going on now, but it might give you an idea what the style of the game is.

As I have said before in earlier posts, we are making a Kickstarter Project after we get our first demo running. And what we are trying to do, is figure out what kind of gifts you guys would like IF you donated. Not saying you have to, just want to know what you might like.

One idea that we all have been passing around is a miniature version of the main character or one of the enemies made by our very own Maker Bot 3D Printing machine that we are going to use for our table top games. If you like that idea, or have a better idea, throw it in the comments. If its a good enough idea, maybe you will get it for free! When we make them obviously.

If you are a fan of indie games or RPG's, spread the word. The more publicity our Kickstarter gets, the faster  the game will be made. We will also be able to put more production value into it because we will be able to buy food and energy drinks throughout the process.

Thank you all for reading this post, like I said, spread the word. make Amibile Paladin a household name and we will be able to produce bigger and better games in the future!

Monday, March 12, 2012

AniMonday: Xam'd Anime Cartoon Review

Welcome to our first AniMonday at Life of Ramen! Every Monday my team and I will show you an anime that we think you need to see. These might come from our own collection, or the comments of our viewers. But today's anime came from one of our dedicated viewers. He insisted that we had to watch this show, so to the Hulu's we went. When we found Xam'd, our minds were blown.

Xam'd is probably one of the best anime series we have ever seen. We really could find no flaws in it, aside from the lack of new seasons.

Xam'd is about a teenage boy who is turned into a Hiruko (AKA Xam'd). With the help of his friend Haru, and a woman named Nakiami he is able to control his new powers. If he loses control, the Hiruko takes over and he turns to stone. Weird trade off if you ask me. He doesn't go on a killing rampage when he loses himself, he turns into stone.

As far as plot line goes, he uses his power to stop the war between people and Hiruko. When you first watch, it seems pretty simple, but the plot line thickens and the final episode almost made me poop my pants. Imagine God of War boss fights in anime.

There is so much more to it than what we can explain. We watched the entire series with almost no pause in between, and we never got bored. I even teared up a few times, I couldn't help it! This is an instant hit, and I know you will all like it.  So just go on Hulu and check it out! you wont regret it!

As always, we love you guys! Have fun watching Xam'd!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Kadajett I am, and Play Free Nerdcore Rap I Will

Hello everyone! I have an interesting story to tell you! I am currently visiting my best friends parents with him, and we all really like board games. So they brought out this silly one called Quelf. Quelf is a game where you have to move around this circle and draw cards based on the color you land on. If you land on blue, you have to take a rule card. I did this on a few occasions, but one in particular made the game very hard. For the entire game I had to speak in third person. (Kadajett had to speak in third person..) Every time I said 'I', I would move back two spaces. And its not that I am an idiot and I cant talk in third person, but the game is really long and when people are saying things, you forget. Needless to say, I was in last place! Dammit!!! But I am confident in my current sober state I could own everybody!

 As a consequence of this game, I keep on getting the urge to write in third person. I have a feeling that you guys would hate that, so I am going to take a brief intermission. While I am practicing tongue twisters, I am gonna put this here.. Okay? Don't break it. Kadajett is serious.

Ok, that wasn't so hard. No more urge to talk in third person, but that was a really good song! Kind of had a fancy beat to it, it pulled my nerdy heartstrings. Would thou like to hear more? Keep listening, or Borthaniel will eat your soul.

We have a nerdy love song that Borthaniel approves of. But, I think I might cry after listening to it, and you guys don't want to see that. So I will let you go about your business hopefully continuing to browse of Life of Ramen.


Friday, March 9, 2012

Borthaniel The Bear

Morning everyone, my name is Kadajett and I will be your server today. Our special today is a new Kickstarter comic book. Oh, you want to buy everything, Mr. Big Spender. Let's get started then!

Hazaa, we have an awesome looking new comic called Borthaniel. Borthaniel is a story based in a world where genetically engineered creatures were created to serve humans. Forced to draw arms and fight the humans wars, the creatures rebelled. That is where this story takes place.

It follows a teddy bear creature named Borthaniel, along with his friends Molasses(Another vicious bear), Bandit(Part of a series of raccoon creations), Hopscotch(Swears vengeance on humanity and leads the rebellion), and so many many more. I find it so comical and fitting that the rebellion leader's name is Hopscotch. Just saying!

If you take a look at the first few pages, you will realize that this isn't a fluffy bunny cartoon. This is an epic tale of adventures and blood shed. But to make this all possible, the team creating it needs your help! You guys remember Kickstarter? If you don't it is a website where people can post projects and get funds raised for them by you. If you like the project and you have a couple extra bucks, be a pal and throw it to them. Who knows, you might get some free stuff!

Click on the picture below if you are interested!

Twitter: @borthaniel

Not a shit was given on this day! But you should still share this with the links below or on the left sidebar of the page!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

National Women's Day, Yes I Will Make You a Sandwich

Good morning everyone, I am feeling particularly good today. Do you want to know why? It is National Women's Day! The one day where we can appreciate our lady friends without being accused of having our man parts in a vice! I kid, we should always appreciate our ladies. But in honor of this great day, this blog post is all about how awesome females are, in real life and in comic books.

We are going to start by saying that even Google recognizes how awesome you are!
Not quite sure what they were trying to show, but whatever it is they did a really good job not being sexist!

And proving to all of us that not all half naked blondes follow the stereotype, here is one of my favorite video game characters and it's a she!

Samus Muthafuckin Aran! I remember the day I figured out she was a girl, I almost pooped my pants. Here I go playing this entire hard ass game thinking that I am some bad ass penis wielding super soldier, and all of a sudden the armor is gone and I am a smokin' hot blonde bombshell. That is a win for women everywhere!

My next tribute to women everywhere, is Comic Book Style!

As you probably assumed, I love comics like most nerds. But one of my favorite comics right now isn't one of the biggies like Superman or Batman. It is Spider Island, starring Spider Woman! I love the art style, and up until I started reading this series, I didn't know Spider Woman existed. Her special abilities rock, I could even say she is stronger than Spider man. Regardless, here she is in all her glory. And ladies, you should pick up a copy too. Empower yourselves dammit! ;P

To finish this awesome sauce tribute to babes everywhere, I would like to re-post some old videos of the coolest babes on You Tube!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Super Hero Movies & Deathly Impatience

It is a very gloomy day here in Florida. There are no birds chirping, and the clouds are just bursting at the seams. And as I started my normal morning skateboarding session(decent cardio), I realized that I was a very sad nerd. So wallowing in my sadness, I continued to skate as fast and hard as I could, till I was out of breath, then I went inside. Of course, straight to the computer, I went. And the second I opened up You Tube, I realized why I was sad! There, right in front of me was a link to the new Marvel Avengers Assemble movie. I had heard stories at the local comic book shop, but I had evaded looking until just today. I had waited so long to look at the video that the Force was working it's mind tricks on me and making me sad. But no more! I shall appease the Medi-Chlorian masters by helping the rest of the lost nerds find their way! As you could have expected, all the recent Marvel Heroes movies led to this momentous occasion. Captain America, Thor, (Hispanic?) Hulk, and more assemble to fight what looks like a gigantic CGI Dragon. Aside from Captain America, this is a dream team of pure power. No offence to Captain America fans, but I think he is the weakest link. Regardless, To see some of my favorite comic book heroes together in the closest thing to real life I will probably ever see is going to be a very happy day.

Without a doubt, Ironman is my favorite Avenger. I am a very intellectual person. So I appreciate a self made super hero, who used his mind alone. (Batman doesn't count because his power is just being really rich.)  So now is the time for you to watch the trailor, tell Life of Ramen what you think, and tell us who your favorite Avenger is! 

After you have read all that and made you watch a video, how dare I ask you to do one more thing right? Wrong, you are contractually obligated to get pissed at the Elysian Shadows Dev Team for not Releasing Episode 18 of their You Tube Series. But they did announce that there was going to be a behind the scenes video released, so be excited. And pissed. 

You can flame them right on here in the comments , and beg for the next video! Or you can go to their Facebook page and tell em I sent you! :D


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sorry everyone,

No post today, life happened again. I assure you, an interesting post will come tomorrow. And you Life of Ramen fix will be given. Be excited for the new artwork for the site, doing a full revamp! If you have any problems with the site, or comments on the look and/or feel of it please leave a comment! Or email me at

Monday, March 5, 2012

Two is Better Than One! ;)

Everyone plays video games alone. It is inevitable due to it's nature, but every once in a while, you just need to bro out! Get some pizza and some beer and find a game to play in Co-Op mode. Speaking of Co-Op, I have a new game to show you!

Co-Op is a two player shooter game, without shooting. A laser type of connection between your friends ship and yours is generated and you have to rack up as many points catching people in that laser as you can before your partner or you die in a fiery cookie involved crash. It looked like it would be a fun couple of hours, and guess what? It is free for Windows and Mac! So Check out this Youtube video and download the game for you and a friend to play.

And if you are interested in downloading it, here is the linky links!

You Tube:

Stan Lee Strikes Out!

Just about everyone has either read or seen Romeo & Juliet in some way. Whether is was in book form, or it was the version with Leonardo DiCaprio and lots of guns, we have all been bludgeoned with the tale of two fate struck lovers.

And purely for the fact that I like to hear myself talk(type?) I am going to explain this a little. The setting is always Verona, and there are two feuding families: the Montagues and the Capulets. The family is often fighting in the streets, causing problems for everyone.

But amidst the feud, a young adult from each of the two families become lovers. They had planned to get married or run off together to stop the feuding within the family. Blah blah blah, Romeo thinks Juliet was poisoned, so he kills himself. She ends up not being poisoned, and kills herself next to his now dead body.

It really is a great story, but not when it is based a gazillion years in the future, Stan Lee! That's what this blog post is about, a very futuristic version of Romeo & Juliet.

The basic story is the same for this graphic novel, but instead of ancient Verona, it is ultra futuristic. The two opposing families are actually cyborgs and genetically altered humans.

The families had worked together to make sure future Verona was super powerful, but when they destroy all threats, they turn to each other for blood.

Don't get me wrong, I love futuristic fantasy novels. But I think taking such an old slightly overused story and slapping technology in the mix was a bit of a stretch.  Of course that is my opinion, and you are all entitled to post comments on your own. But before that, I have a trailer. Enjoy!

The art looks decent, so the story would really have to rock to convince me. I sadly judge some novels by their covers so to speak, and I am probably not going to enjoy this one.

But who knows, I will try my best to get a hand on it and I will give it a true review. Until then, go out and buy it yourself, give it your own opinion and tell me to shut the hell up!

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Twitter: @1821Comics

My last Graphic Novel post.

13 Legends:

Friday, March 2, 2012

13 Legends - Graphic Novel

Hey everyone, spring draws near and the birds are chirping. Everywhere but Florida I mean, because when summer comes around the chirping birds will turn into fried chicken. But there is no better way to cool down than to read a new graphic novel in a nice air conditioned room. 

If you agree with me, then I have the perfect new book for you! 13 legends is based in an alternate universe where Leonardo Davinci's design notebook fell into the wrong hands and it sparked an industrial revolution hundreds of years earlier than it happened for us. The result of this is WW2 era technology in the 1770s.

Looking at the prereleased art for it, the technology has a really interesting steam punk feel. My favorite so far was the airplane, it looked similar to a Nazi fighter but it had extra metal parts and an alien feel to it. I would honestly poop my pants if I had one of these things shooting at me!

The series is released in volumes. The soon to be released first volume follows two soldiers Arthur, and Lancelot. They fight for England to prevent the Venetians from outright world domination. They embark on a life or death journey, and they discover long lost magic that could change the outcome of the war. 

The art style the novel is beautiful, and I truly cannot wait to pick myself up a copy. But if you want to help them make this the masterpiece it could be, you should watch this video!

If you have never heard of Kickstarter, it is a website where people can post projects they are working on and people can donate to them. When you donate a high enough amount, you start getting gifts in return. The gift for a 25$ donation is a limited edition hard back copy of the first edition of the novel, and Frosty Ogre's eternal love. A small price to pay, but if you plan to buy the book and you don't have the cash to spend, the minimum donation is $1! Every little bit helps, and it would help create a great new series.

So check it out, check out the website for a far better description then I could could ever give. And if you are interested, just follow this widget!

If you decide to make a donation, try your best to throw a comment on here so I can show you some love and I have a better idea how much the Life of Ramen community has helped 13 Legends.


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And on a lighter note!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Mario Kart Gets Real!

Elysian Shadows Game Development

Good morning everyone, it is supposed to be a lovely day today, which probably means it is going to rain one minute and be like a sauna the next. The latter is quite undesirable considering my major wine experience last night. It is not agreeing with my stomach this morning. But what settles my tummy more than Pepto, or crackers is none other than watching a couple YouTube episodes of the Adventure in Game Development Series, or later called Elysian Shadows Revolution.

These videos depict the silly team antics and growth as they create the multi-platform RPG Elysian Shadows. Elysian Shadows is a game that has been through more transformations than a boy going through puberty, but every change was for the better in my opinion. They ditched their old artists, and gained new more skilled ones! They rebuilt the engine a few times to implement and improve it's capabilities, and they re-wrote from a shaky C foundation to a more solid and reusable C++.

But this is all ancient history, as the team has been on hiatus from posting videos. All their loyal fans shed a single tear of regret for the possibly dead project.

But fret not little nerd men, Elysian Shadows is not dead! According to the figure head and possible team lead Falco Girgis, the team has been working on the game almost non stop for the past 2 years. And that being so, he also stated to me that they are very close to releasing the next video chapter of Elysian Shadows Game Development. I am almost literally giddy with excitement, considering the fact that this series is one of the reasons I went to school to get a computer science degree.

We have been promised a mind blowing visual experience, unrivaled by any other video they have created thus far. This video is supposed to show off the new team members that have been gained, and all the work they have done together. We can all hope, that the video gives a possible release date so we can all spend money on them. But aside from that, we could all use a little motivation to start making our own games to give Life of Ramen something to talk about!

Ok, enough rambling! I am going to post one of their newer old videos so you can get an idea of their process, and you can assess your will to watch the new video when it comes out.

That is all I have to give everyone, remember that all these images and videos belong to the Elysian Shadows Dev team. Make sure you comment if you want to show your love for Elysian Shadows, or Life of Ramen. And now for linky links...