Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How to Date the Community! You Whore!

Good afternoon nerds! I have some exciting news, and decently funny set of videos for you to watch today. So sit down and shut up! ( Feeling feisty today! I apologize in advance for any further abuse! )

Starting this weekend, Life of Ramen is going to have a guest writer! And guess what, it's a girl! She will be here to deliver more of the stuff you want to see, but it's a girl! Ok, enough of that. Time to start talking about this post!

I know you love Youtube as much as I do, so you always love to see new funny channels right? Well I have a few that I watch on a pretty regular basis. 50% because Asian girls are sexy, and the other half, because the shit is funny! So enjoy le first video from The Community Channel!

I am just going to point out the obvious here, she is Asian and she has an English accent! It would be like dating a D&D character! <----- I found that hilarious, so stfu!

The next video is from The Dominic Show! This guy is hilarious, and a little hard to describe. But this is one of my favorite videos by him! Enjoy! And for the love of god, don't follow these tips -_-

If you haven't seen these channels before and you like them, subscribe! If you don't like them, then go cry or something.

Just don't leave. Please.. Ha I kid, you can leave if you wan't! I know where you live anyways! KTHXBAI nerds!


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