Thursday, March 15, 2012 - Game Developers Conference 2012

I was just browsing the interwebs and I passed by a pretty lady by the name of Pixel. Pixel is a member of the Frag Dolls, a group of all girl gamers. But none of that matters, because I am here to show you a video she posted on her blog.

The video is of her at GDC 2012 (I wish I was there!!!) explaining whats going on with nerdy antics. Definitely worth a watch, so go check out her blog!Game Developers Conference 2012


  1. Wows, thanks for sharing my video! :D
    I see you're in school with the dreams to work in game development, so kudos to you!
    I hope you get to make it out here for the next GDC - it'll be great for you to network, put yourself out there, and learn some things on the way. :)

    1. I will certainly be trying to go, but my team and I are really pushing to get our game done along with school so we have time for nothing.

      And not a problem, if you have anything else you would like to get out, I would be glad to do some free publicity.
