Monday, March 12, 2012

AniMonday: Xam'd Anime Cartoon Review

Welcome to our first AniMonday at Life of Ramen! Every Monday my team and I will show you an anime that we think you need to see. These might come from our own collection, or the comments of our viewers. But today's anime came from one of our dedicated viewers. He insisted that we had to watch this show, so to the Hulu's we went. When we found Xam'd, our minds were blown.

Xam'd is probably one of the best anime series we have ever seen. We really could find no flaws in it, aside from the lack of new seasons.

Xam'd is about a teenage boy who is turned into a Hiruko (AKA Xam'd). With the help of his friend Haru, and a woman named Nakiami he is able to control his new powers. If he loses control, the Hiruko takes over and he turns to stone. Weird trade off if you ask me. He doesn't go on a killing rampage when he loses himself, he turns into stone.

As far as plot line goes, he uses his power to stop the war between people and Hiruko. When you first watch, it seems pretty simple, but the plot line thickens and the final episode almost made me poop my pants. Imagine God of War boss fights in anime.

There is so much more to it than what we can explain. We watched the entire series with almost no pause in between, and we never got bored. I even teared up a few times, I couldn't help it! This is an instant hit, and I know you will all like it.  So just go on Hulu and check it out! you wont regret it!

As always, we love you guys! Have fun watching Xam'd!


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