Thursday, March 15, 2012

Editing Our Blogger Template & Free Shit!

Sorry for the lack of posts in the past couple days, we have been working tirelessly on our new template. Not really, but we have been super busy. Between working on our new game, going through school, and trying to update Life of Ramen, we are dying to catch our breath. But none of that matters, because progress is more important than sleep. And in the name of progress, I would like to show you our new banner! It's waaaay up there at the top, but it has image mapping so you can click the social buttons on the bottom. That was a fun trick to learn.

On a lighter note, I am bestowing upon you a contest of sorts. Since only a few people commented on the last post asking what would be a good gift for donations to our Kickstarter, I would like to post a challenge. Post in the comments your best idea for a gift to donators, and in one week I will make a poll out of the best answers and you will vote! The person's idea with the most votes will be flown out to Orlando for the release party of Amibile Paladin, where you can meet the developers, eat a ton of cake and barbecue, and pick up your free copy of Amibile Paladin!!!

There is one condition to this contest though, This post has to get at least 500 SEPARATE comments, or it will be postponed. That means every single one of you that sees this must comment. Doesn't matter if your idea is good or bad, just post!

Ok, you have your mission, you have your tools, get thinking nerds!


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