Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Hey everyone, so very busy today so the post will be short!

I had the honor of meeting the owner of Oh My Posh Tot! Boutique recently, and she was nice enough to make me an awesome outfit to wear today!

So thanks to her, I will be able to drink my green beer like a true Irishman, bearing all green clothes. I kind of look like the Green Lantern middle management edition!

But you should all check out her Facebook page, she normally sells toddler clothes, but she takes custom orders and I am sure if you are nice, she will make whatever you need!

She is currently getting a website built, so don't be discouraged!

But aside from the green colored beer and leprechauns, I would like to go over a recap of this weeks posts for all those people to lazy to look through my archive!