It is a very gloomy day here in Florida. There are no birds chirping, and the clouds are just bursting at the seams. And as I started my normal morning skateboarding session(decent cardio), I realized that I was a very sad nerd. So wallowing in my sadness, I continued to skate as fast and hard as I could, till I was out of breath, then I went inside. Of course, straight to the computer, I went. And the second I opened up You Tube, I realized why I was sad! There, right in front of me was a link to the new Marvel Avengers Assemble movie. I had heard stories at the local comic book shop, but I had evaded looking until just today.
I had waited so long to look at the video that the Force was working it's mind tricks on me and making me sad. But no more! I shall appease the Medi-Chlorian masters by helping the rest of the lost nerds find their way!
As you could have expected, all the recent Marvel Heroes movies led to this momentous occasion. Captain America, Thor, (Hispanic?) Hulk, and more assemble to fight what looks like a gigantic CGI Dragon. Aside from Captain America, this is a dream team of pure power. No offence to Captain America fans, but I think he is the weakest link. Regardless, To see some of my favorite comic book heroes together in the closest thing to real life I will probably ever see is going to be a very happy day.

Without a doubt, Ironman is my favorite Avenger. I am a very intellectual person. So I appreciate a self made super hero, who used his mind alone. (Batman doesn't count because his power is just being really rich.) So now is the time for you to watch the trailor, tell Life of Ramen what you think, and tell us who your favorite Avenger is!
After you have read all that and made you watch a video, how dare I ask you to do one more thing right? Wrong, you are contractually obligated to get pissed at the Elysian Shadows Dev Team for not Releasing Episode 18 of their You Tube Series. But they did announce that there was going to be a behind the scenes video released, so be excited. And pissed.
You can flame them right on here in the comments , and beg for the next video! Or you can go to their Facebook page and tell em I sent you! :D
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