Friday, March 2, 2012

13 Legends - Graphic Novel

Hey everyone, spring draws near and the birds are chirping. Everywhere but Florida I mean, because when summer comes around the chirping birds will turn into fried chicken. But there is no better way to cool down than to read a new graphic novel in a nice air conditioned room. 

If you agree with me, then I have the perfect new book for you! 13 legends is based in an alternate universe where Leonardo Davinci's design notebook fell into the wrong hands and it sparked an industrial revolution hundreds of years earlier than it happened for us. The result of this is WW2 era technology in the 1770s.

Looking at the prereleased art for it, the technology has a really interesting steam punk feel. My favorite so far was the airplane, it looked similar to a Nazi fighter but it had extra metal parts and an alien feel to it. I would honestly poop my pants if I had one of these things shooting at me!

The series is released in volumes. The soon to be released first volume follows two soldiers Arthur, and Lancelot. They fight for England to prevent the Venetians from outright world domination. They embark on a life or death journey, and they discover long lost magic that could change the outcome of the war. 

The art style the novel is beautiful, and I truly cannot wait to pick myself up a copy. But if you want to help them make this the masterpiece it could be, you should watch this video!

If you have never heard of Kickstarter, it is a website where people can post projects they are working on and people can donate to them. When you donate a high enough amount, you start getting gifts in return. The gift for a 25$ donation is a limited edition hard back copy of the first edition of the novel, and Frosty Ogre's eternal love. A small price to pay, but if you plan to buy the book and you don't have the cash to spend, the minimum donation is $1! Every little bit helps, and it would help create a great new series.

So check it out, check out the website for a far better description then I could could ever give. And if you are interested, just follow this widget!

If you decide to make a donation, try your best to throw a comment on here so I can show you some love and I have a better idea how much the Life of Ramen community has helped 13 Legends.


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And on a lighter note!


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