Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Good evening everyone! Kadajett here.
If any of you are like me, I know you always like to hear new music. Music that can make you smile and cry, and I have a band that will do both to you almost simultaneously! The name of this band is Pomplamoose (Grapefruit!).

Pomplamoose is one of the many bands made famous by Youtube. They stand apart from the crowd with their upbeat melodies and a 20's singer voice.
Have you ever heard of a video song? No... Not a music video, a video song! If the video song wasn't created by Pomplamoose, then it was surely made popular by them.
A video song has no lip syncing, in fact, every sound you hear is shown throughout every video at some point. This allows the sound to be more realistic, and it lets the lead singer Natalie show off her cuteness without being fake.
This band has grown exponentially since I started listening to them, and they have yet to sell out! They seem to be very nice people and often talk about donating to charities on their videos.
If you listen to a charitable band, you might become charitable yourself! So listen to them, embrace the awesome. Break from the normal, and if you show a lady this, she will think you are a cultured individual!

Remember, video games don't kill people, idiots do! - Kadajett



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