Monday, January 7, 2013

Kickstarter: Anima - Gate of Memories

Hello nerds, I am Kickstarting this Monday off with my Kickstarter project of the week!

Anima - Gate of Memories is very similar to ARPG's that have become fairly popular in recent years. But what caught me, is the intense detail in the story and open game elements. 

Currently, the development team has a years worth of art and a solid game play base, but as you probably know, they are on Kickstarter for a reason.

I see promise in this game, and I see promise in the fact that it will be funded. Especially considering that they are already 66% funded. So, do them a favor. Check out their Kickstarter page, if you like it, fund it with what you can. If you are living off Ramen like me, tweet it or write a blog post about it. Just make sure to link back to me also! ;)

Thanks again for reading, my faithful following of the technical inclination! Here are some linky links, and other resources! And make sure you check out tomorrow's first artist corner! Where I am interviewing a rapper that is local to the Orlando scene.

Anima - Gate of Memories Website!

Anima's Kickstarter Page

Yesterdays Post - Free to Play Nintendo

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